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Responses To Queries Raised By Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) On 24 October 2023 With Respect To The Company's Announcement On 24 July 2023 On Its Announcement In Relation To The Cessation Of The Chief Financial Officer

BackNov 23, 2023
Announcement Title Response to SGX Queries
Date & Time of Broadcast Nov 23, 2023 18:40
Status New
Supplementary Title On Other Announcements
Others (Please Specify) Cessation of Chief Financial Officer
Announcement Reference SG231123OTHRABWD
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Kyle Arnold Shaw Jr
Designation Executive Chairman
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the change in the box below) Please refer to attached file.


  1. Attachment 1 (Size: 59,591 bytes)